Why Is War Eagle Auburn University's Battle Cry?

Auburn University took the lead in the game as the eagle flew. Excited fans began chanting "War Eagle!" while Auburn University continued to score, according to Garden and Gun. Fans took the bird to be a sign of victory.

Auburn won the game. After the match, legend has it that Anvre suddenly dived towards the ground, crashing into the earth and dying. Fans were enamored with the eagle, and the "War Eagle" cry lived on. Even 130 years later, it is still Auburn fans' favorite chant. However, the origin story of the War Eagle chant isn't quite that simple. There are other versions of this tall tale, as Strange History reports.  

In one version of the story, a cheerleader named Gus Graydon was actually the one who began chanting "War Eagle!" at a 1913 football game (via Strange History). This game was also an Auburn University vs. Georgia match in which Auburn dominated, winning 21-7. According to this story, Graydon came up with the chant the day before the game, and when he began chanting it during the November 22, 1913 game, it stuck. That season was notably good for the team — they were undefeated.
