2022's Matilda the Musical vs. 1996's Matilda: How are they different?

Recently released Matilda the Musical has been on the receiving end of positive reviews and fanfare. The film is a musical fantasy comedy-drama about a young girl named Matilda who possesses telekinetic powers and overcomes several hurdles and hoops.

Directed by Matthew Warchus, the film stars Alisha Weir, Lashana Lynch, Emma Thompson, and several others in supporting roles.

As soon as the film came out, it began drawing comparisons with the 1996 movie titled Matilda. The 1996 movie was directed by Danny DeVito and starred Mara Wilson as Matilda.

That being said, let’s check out a couple of differences between the films.

Is the new film better than the 1996 version of the Roald Dahl novel?

Well, this certainly depends on who is watching. While Matilda has a straight narrative, Matilda the Musical is tilted towards a musical. If you're looking for a lighthearted fantasy movie, the 1996 movie is for you. But if you are a die-hard fan of musicals with a lot of razzmatazz and dance numbers, the 2022 film is tailor-made for you.

Both movies are similar since they are adapted from the same novel, but there are key differences that the viewers have to keep in mind.

Matilda the Musical is a musical

Unlike the 1996 film, the new movie is a textbook musical film. Matilda's inspiration was taken directly from the Roald Dahl novel, while the new one is an adaptation of the 2011 stage musical of the same name by Matthew Warchus, Dennis Kelly, and Tim Minchin.

It's got a lot of dance sequences with delightful music and songs composed by Christopher Nightingale and Tim Minchin. Minchin was also behind the songs in the stage musical.

Matilda does not have a brother in the 2022 film

One of the most detestable characters from the previous movie was Matilda's older brother, Michael, played by Brian Levinson. He was a spoilt brat and constantly used to bully his younger sibling by throwing food and calling her a "dip-face".

There is no Michael Wormwood in Matilda the Musical (Image via IMDB)

The filmmakers completely eliminated the character by focusing more on Matilda and her innocence.

New Matilda is a lot more powerful

While both Mara Wilson and Alisha Weir possess shocking telekinetic abilities in their respective roles, the new Matilda's powers seem to be completely off the charts.

The 1996 Matilda could move and levitate objects, but the new one can create explosions and make huge monsters out of chains with her mind.

Admission into Crunchem Hall Elementary School

In the older version, Matilda suggests her parents to enroll her in school. Her father Harry then sold a car to Miss Agatha Trunchbull, the sinister principal of Crunchem Hall in exchange for admitting Matilda as a student. This is where she meets the charming Miss Jennifer Honey.

In the new film, Miss Jennifer Honey and another man show up at Matilda's house and threaten her parents to send their daughter to school or face the consequences with a heavy fine.

Matilda's parents flee to Europe in the 2022 film

Indebted Mr. and Mrs. Wormwood are shown feeling to Spain in the new movie, but in the 1996 version, they flee to Guam to avoid the FBI.

In addition, Matilda's mischief causes her father to become blond in the older film. In the new film, her father possesses green hair.

Matilda the Musical is now streaming on Netflix.

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